Rohos Disk for YubiKey

Especially for YubiKey users Tesline-Service would like to announce Rohos Disk v.1.30 beta release. Now you may securely access your encrypted partition just by one touch. Nice and easy!

Download Rohos Disk v.1.30 (beta)

YubiKey benefits in Rohos Disk:

  • No need to re-program YubiKey in static mode; both YubiKey configurations are supported
  • Rohos Disk allows to authenticate YubiKey OTP against any server (Yubico server settings included)
  • Also there is an option to enter YubiKey’s AES key so Rohos Disk could decrypt and verify it locally

If you re-programed YubiKey in a static password mode, you can also use it in Rohos Disk.

You may see the video on “How to Access Rohos Disk with YubiKey

Here are some screen shots: