New Mini Drive with 2 GB encrypted partition

We are glad to announce Rohos Mini Drive v.1.3 release. Now Rohos Mini Drive allows to have up to 2 GB secure partitions and includes data backup reminder if the password protected part is located on a USB flash drive.

What’s new:

  • Creates up to 2 GB of password protected partitions on your USB flash drive or external HDD drive.
  • There is new module in the program – “Rohos Disk service”, it’s in charge of disk’s autonomous operation (e.g., upon PC shutdown Rohos disk will be disconnected only after all other programs have stopped using the encrypted disk).
  • Convenient display of several connected Rohos disks in the program’s main window. Now additional disks could be easily checked for errors, it’s easy to create a backup copy of encryption keys and even to restore them.

  • New options:
    • Rohos icon not to be showed in tray near the clock
    • Automatically disconnect disk upon Log Off
    • Automatically connect disk upon plugging in a USB key (should be set up beforehand)

    + Some options are disabled in Rohos Mini options dialog box (~ see Rohos Disk Full Version)

  • Additional params in dialog “Connect disk”:
    • Check boxes – Mount disk as “Mount as read-only”, “Mount as removable drive “
    • Choose disk letter
  • Now it’s possible to create several encrypted disks on one USÐ’ flash drive. Upon connecting it’d be possible to choose which one to connect (only 1 at a time).
  • Automatic Notification of data backup copy of Rohos disk.  For disks that are located on a USB drives it would be every 39th day, for others it’d be every 75th day.
  • Although Rohos Mini allows to create 2 and more encrypted partitions, it’s possible to connect only a single volume at a time
  • Also other bugs have been fixed

Screen shots: