Login by your face with 2-factor authentication

We are glad to announce Face Logon v.3.1 with 2-factor authentication feature for face login and USB drive Windows login.

Rohos Face Logon allows to log into Windows computer in an easy, fast and secure way by using your face or USB flash drive. The login of the user is performed automatically once the face has been recognized by the program or USB key is connected to PC. Rohos Face Logon provides identification of a user by biometric verification in an automatic continuous process, based on neural network technology.

What’s new:

  • Added 2-factor authentication possibility after successful face login authentication. In order to login you need to provide a short PIN code on the screen.
  • Added PIN code support also for USB flash drive key.
  • Added 3-factor authentication support: You face + your Windows password and PIN code. OR your USB flash drive + PIN code + Windows password.

By using Register your Faces dialog box you can Set or Change PIN code.

PIN code for Face login features:

  • Minimum PIN code length is 2 chars and max is 12.
  • User will be required to enter valid PIN after each successful Windows login/unlock by face recognition.
  • By default you have 3 attempts to enter valid PIN code. This number can be customized in Option > More… dialog box.
  • Face login will be blocked if someone successfully passed face recognition for 3 times but entered PIN code wrongly 3 times. If face login is locked you may still login by a Windows password or USB key.

Upgrade now or try it for 15-day for free.

Learn more about Rohos Face Logon